"At The Country Playhouse Academy, our goal as early childhood educators is to provide a strong foundation, through proven developmentally appropriate practices, that will help all of our students become lifelong learners."
Creative Curriculum® & Assessments
At The Country Playhouse Academy, we integrate learning into every part of the day through our professionally developed curriculum, Creative Curriculum®, developed by Teaching Strategies®, which is designed to create a high-quality early learning environment through hands-on, projected based investigations. Our teachers help build students' confidence, creativity, critical thinking skills, and promote positive outcomes that not only prepare them for their next level of education, but will last a lifetime.Creative Curriculum® is an award-winning, research-based program that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning.
The Creative Curriculum®program is based on 38 objectives for development and learning, which are fully aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework as well as early learning standards for every state, and addresses all areas of development and learning, including Social-Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Literacy, Math, Science and Technology, Social Studies, The Arts and English Language Acquisition.
In addition, the teachers are given daily opportunities for observations to assist in the assessment process. The objectives taught in the curriculum directly correlate with Teaching Strategies GOLD®, assessment system, making the assessment process seamless across the board for our teachers. The assessments will be shared with parents throughout the year via the student’s portfolio, and parent teacher conferences. Portfolios are available for parents to view throughout the school year, and during the parent teacher conferences.
To learn more about the benefits of this curriculum, click here Creative Curriculum®
Developmental assessments are conducted two times per year, using the CDC Developmental Milestoneschecklist, and will be kept in your child's portfolio. The checklists range in age from 2 months to 5 years of age and are a broader assessment of where a child should be at his/her age and development. If we feel a child needs an additional, more in-depth assessment, we use the ASQ-3 Ages & Stages assessment. A parent knows their child the best, therefore we may ask the parent to conduct their own assessment at home, using the same ASQ-3 assessment form used at school. Together, we are able to compare the assessment conducted at school with the one conducted at home, creating an open discussion as to how better to serve your child.
The Country Playhouse Academy
23928 SE 276th St, Maple Valley, WA 98038
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