"At The Country Playhouse Academy, our goal as early childhood educators is to provide a strong foundation, through proven developmentally appropriate practices, that will help all of our students become lifelong learners."

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 Our Health & Safety Policies...

At The Country Playhouse Academy, the health and safety of our students and faculty are of the utmost importance, therefore we have very exacting standards and policies in place to alleviate any questions or concerns. We have a responsibility to our students and

faculty to maintain a healthy and positive environment at all times.

We take every precaution to ensure your child’s safety. First Aid provisions are available should your child become ill or suffer a minor injury. Our faculty members are trained to administer CPR and first aid, and will contact emergency personnel as needed. Parents/guardians will be notified if a significant injury or accident occurs. Whether an injury report will be filed depends on the severity of the injury and is at the discretion of the faculty on duty and the administrator. The Country Playhouse Academy does not have a nurse on staff.

If your child is ill and requires medication, we respectfully ask that all medications be administered at home. If your child requires rescue medications, such as an inhaler or Epi-pen, to be on hand at school, the parents will be required to fill out a Medication Authorization form before the child starts school, and before any medications can be brought into the school. The medication must be a prescription, be current, and have the child's name and information on the label. A Medication Authorization form can be found under the Forms & FAQ's section of this website. 

Should an emergency arise, we follow a comprehensive safety plan. Our faculty are trained to carry out evacuations, lockdowns, and other procedures. We hold drills regularly to practice, and update these procedures.

To prevent the spread of illness at The Country Playhouse Academy, we urge parents/guardians to keep sick children at home. If your child is sick when he/she awakens, please do not send him/her to school. We do not have a nurse's office for "sick patients." If your child becomes ill, you will be asked to arrange for immediate pick-up. We will call the contacts on the emergency list if a parent  is unavailable. Our illness policy is very strict and adheres to the state WAC's regarding exclusion policies for ill children. If your child is sent home, an Illness Report will be filled out to be signed by the parent/guardian upon pick up, which explains when your child may return to school, and whether a doctor's note is needed to return


The Country Playhouse Academy provides nutritious meals and snacks throughout the school day. Parents/guardians are not required to bring additional foods unless your child has a food allergy and/or requires special foods. Please note that we are a NUT-FREE facility, therefore any food items brought into school need to be free of nuts of all kind. Food items brought to school for special events and birthdays must be store-bought and in it's original container. Please notify the administration of your child’s food sensitivities or allergies upon enrollment. 

Our faculty cleans and disinfects the play and eating area daily using the three step method; wash, rinse, sanitize. Students and faculty are required to wash their hands with soap and water throughout the day, such as before eating, when arriving at school, after playing at recess and after using the bathroom.

Our students’ security is of vital importance. Potential clients and visitors are required to make appointments to visit the school, and must sign-in upon arrival. Visitors are not permitted to disturb instruction or daily routine unless they are scheduled to be in attendance. Our goal is to ensure each student is supervised, and safe at all times. Our students will be in direct visual and auditory range of the teachers at all times. No child will be allowed to leave without being signed out. Adults picking up other than the regular pick-up persons are required to show valid ID for proof of identification, which will be verified by a member of management.